Thursday, July 2, 2009

Adventure odds and ends

2 Guys, 2 Wheels, 2 Trails send-off

There's nothing like an epic bike ride to unshackle the spirit...and numb the nether region. Loading up your panniers or your trailer (or even your backpack) and starting the journey of a million RPMs with a single pedal stroke is so sweetly simple. There's a sublime, Zen-like quality involved with travelling fast enough to make the miles tick by, but still remaining connected to your surroundings.

Obviously I could wax romantic all day about super long bike rides; it's my favorite thing to daydream about while I sit chained to a desk. So I'd better get down to business: on Saturday, July 11th, father and son Mark and Jeff Siepker are going to ride a tandem bicycle from Omaha to St. Louis via the Wabash Trace and the Katy Trail. Their 300-mile epic ride is for a good cause--they're trying to raise money for the Ollie Webb Center, an organization that offers support, advocacy, and programs for people with developmental disabilities. Feel free to donate here, or you can meet them July 11th at the Bob Kerrey pedestrian bridge (on the Omaha side) to ride all or part of day one, from Omaha to Malvern (about 30 miles). Good luck and happy trails, guys!

Registration extended for Cornhusker State Games adventure race

For all of you procrastinating adventure racers out there (is there such a thing, really?), the Nebraska Sports Council has extended the deadline for registering for one of its toughest (and by toughest, I mean "most painful") events at the Cornhusker State Games--the adventure race. Held this year at Branched Oak Lake State Park (and featuring trail running, mountain biking, water events, and climbing), this race is sure to test your 3-person team's mettle (and maybe your team's first aid kit too). More details can be found at the Cornhusker State Games website.

I know, I know, the above subhead is an oxymoron, like "Wii sports" or "ski Iowa." Just bear with me. Although I’m planning on doing a more comprehensive “hey, check out these really cool web sites” blog at some later time, I thought I'd give everyone a heads up about the online version of one of my favorite magazines (despite its lack of Midwestern coverage), Outside. They're one of the best at what they do (National Geographic Adventure being my other fave), and the fact that the online version is free (yes, you read that correctly) makes this deal as sweet as my upper lip is sweaty.

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