Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Homegrown hares

You can file this dispatch in the "if you didn't already know about it, you probably won't be doing it" file (especially because the last-minute deadline for entry was July 31st--sorry, loyal readers), but here goes anyway: Adventure racing, a multi-discipline sport for people who love the great outdoors almost as much as they love suffering, will once again be causing blisters in the Omaha area.

The Wild Hare 12-Hour Adventure Race will kick off at an undisclosed time and location (sounds mysterious, doesn't it?) after a mandatory gear check and pre-race meeting Friday evening. Featuring 21 two-person and three-person teams who compete in trail running, mountain biking, canoeing in the Missouri River, and orienteering, the race is sponsored by the Wild Hare racing team, a homegrown adventure racing team that for the past few years has competed far and wide in a number of grueling challenges.

My hat is off to these brave young (and old) men and women--good luck to all. There aren't many things that I would still consider "fun" after having to do them for 12 hours.

1 comment:

  1. Hey NE Adventures -- Can you shoot me an email please -- mgersib@snitilycarr.com? I'm working on a newsletter for the NE Division of Travel and Tourism and I'd like to see if I could get your permission to use one of your photos from the CSG mountain bike race (the one right after the start of the sport/expert race) with a story I wrote about some of the upcoming races at Branched Oak.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Matt Gersib
